Saturday, December 31, 2011


Hadley flew her way into Phuket today and I couldn't be happier to see her smiling face.  She got in at about 10:00am and we hopped in a car with a friend named Neung and he drove us straight to Ao Nang.  The car ride was a wonderful two hours accompanied by whatever music Neung decided to put on.  We told him to play some of his favorite CDs, which happened to be Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, and Eminem.

As soon as we got into Ao Nang we dropped our bags and explored the city.  First stop was some local fruit and an ice cold coconut beverage (we actually had Neung stop on the way at a market to grab some mangoes... Hadley agrees with me.  Best in the world).

We walked the entirety of Ao Nang and bargained for some new bathing suits.  Below are some new style Tuk-Tuks with thumping speakers underneath the seats and the driver on the side.  From our time in Ao Nang, Hadley now knows how to say "hello," ""thank you," and "goodbye" in Thai.  We figure three new phrases a day is a good pace.

Before the longtail boat ride to Railay Beach it was time for some lunch.  We stopped at a street cart (the best and cheapest food available) and got morning glory (sauteed chinese broccoli in fish sauce and loads of garlic), thom kaa (coconut soup), and something involving lots of chilis, squid, and prawns (no name because we saw the owner make one and ordered it and he said it was just something he made for his friend who loved spicy food).  Nothing to be said but purely amazing.

 Then we were off to the pier to catch one of these longtail boats to Railay Beach.  We bought the tickets and asked when the boat would leave and they replied, "when there are eight people."

At this moment I am sitting outside and Hadley is taking a cat nap before the evenings New Years Festivities.  Walking down the beach we saw tons of decorations, tables, bbqs, a giant stage, advertisements for fire spinning competitions, and the like.  Seems to be shaping up to be quite a night.  It's 7:30 now and I figure I'll give her until about 10:00 or 11:00 until I wake her up to enjoy the celebrations.  We'll send a message later and tell you all what 2012 is like.


  1. Happy New Year! Hadley you're halfway around the world visiting Christopher - I'm sure the festivities were something that will be memory forever for the both of you. Carry on! Love, Mom

  2. Happy New Year from California. It is midnight 01/01/12 right now.

  3. Thanks for posting this so quickly.
    It is good to see Hadley arrived safe and sound
    and that she is now part of this leg of your wonderful adventure!
    Happy New Year!! I love you both so much!
