Monday, December 19, 2011

Otres Beach

After Koh Rong the group I was traveling with slowly started to part ways.  I stayed with some at a place called Mushroom Point on Otres Beach.  Named so for the style of architecture mind you, not for other reasons.  Here is the courtyard.

This was my dorm room.

This was my bed.  The mosquito nets are an absolute essential out here.  Even with one I still lather up with Deet before bed, otherwise they'll eat you alive.  But even if they do I've been taking my Doxycycline every morning so malaria isn't a worry.  What is a worry are the absolutely bizarre and vivid dreams that come as a side effect.  Maybe they've gotten less intense or maybe I've just gotten used to them.  Either way I've been keeping a journal of both my waking and sleeping life.  Otres Beach is a very small and mellow beach village with plenty of hammocks.  As such I'm nearly finished with One Hundred Years of Solitude and if anyone hasn't read it I highly recommend it.

In Sihanoukville there are many children who want to sell you bracelets, sunglasses, fruit, etc.  Upon turning down their offer many of the young boys will challenge you to a game of a pool, they win and you pay them a dollar, you win and you get a free bracelet.  Pool tables are as common as trash cans back home, you can't go 20 feet without seeing one, trash cans on the other hand are practically non-existent.  Now while this nine year old boy has an innocent smile on his face don't be fooled.  He is a shark.  He is a deadly shark.  None of us could believe our eyes.  On this shot he made three balls in and on the next shot he ended the game.  Needless to say he lost no bracelets this day.

A variety of comfortable seating with which to enjoy the sunset.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you're having this experience. I love you included the pool shark in the post. Love Moma
